Thank you for your interest in mint condition massage LLC.
mint condition massage LLC is a massage therapy practice located in a medical setting. We offer multiple therapeutic services that focus on pain & stress management. Each treatment is customized with multiple techniques that correspond with client goals. We check in with our clients to make sure their needs are met before & after every recurring session.
I'm Jackie, a licensed massage therapist and reiki master practitioner. Massage therapy is my passion. It brings me joy to assist in clients' wellness journeys. I love providing a retreat for clients to focus on themselves and relax. My goal in creating mint condition massage LLC is to illuminate the value of massage therapy in one's self-care routine.
My mission is to provide therapeutic bodywork that exceeds client's expectations, while fulfilling goals involving pain & stress management. Education about musculoskeletal anatomy & physiology, wellness recommendations and goal setting assistance play a crucial role in adding value to my services.